1.Your annual income
One of the critical factors to consider in deciding the term insurance coverage is assessing your
current financial condition.
Let’s say that your current annual income is ₹10 lakhs per annum and you purchase a term plan with sum
assured which is 15 times of your annual income ie ₹1.5 crores.
In the event of your untimely demise, your family will receive 1.5 crs as the
claim amount. Now, investing this 1.5 crs in a bank FD, your family may get
around 9 lacs as interest income annually at the interest rate of 6% per annum.
This income will be lower than the annual income that you were earning and also
with the growing inflation, the interest income may not be good enough to
maintain the same standard of living for years to come.
2.Any liabilities
Your financial liabilities like home loans, business loans, personal loans,
and credit card bills are vital factors to consider before buying insurance
coverage. In the event of your untimely demise, the repayment burden will fall
on your family members, who may face difficulty managing the EMIs and household
expenses. To avoid such an unfortunate situation, you must choose a term plan
with high coverage that meets all your existing liabilities.
Sum Assured = 20 times of Annual Income + Liabilities